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standby mode中文是什么意思

用"standby mode"造句"standby mode"怎么读"standby mode" in a sentence


  • 备用方式
  • 待机模式
  • 候命状态;预备状态


  • One to ensure the reactor stays in standby mode
  • One to ensure the reactor stays in standby mode
  • 3 seconds ready mode ; 6 seconds standby mode
  • If you see only white screen , our computer is in standby mode , please come again shortly
  • The radio - iodine sampler and the high volume air sampler are normally set at a standby mode
  • When a computer is in standby mode , some devices are turned off and the computer uses less power
  • Sets the number of degrees that the temperature of all heated components will be decreased when the melter is placed into the standby mode
  • That is why motes spend about 99 percent of their lives “ sleeping ” in a standby mode that drops the power consumption to a few millionths of a watt
    因此,尘粒99 %的生命必须处于睡眠状况,也就是待机模式,才能把耗电率压低到百万分之几瓦特。
  • Using the standby option is equivalent to backup log with norecovery followed by a restore with standby . using standby mode requires a standby file , specified by
    显式列出读写文件组(不使用read _ write _ filegroups )来创建一个文件备份,而不是部分备份。
  • Despite its compact weight of 69 grams , this wap 1 . 1 compliant ultra small handset comes with a battery that has a talking time of 200 - 265 minutes and a standby mode of 110 - 115 hours
    机身重约69克,并符合wap1 . 1功能制式,其超细的机身及电池可连续通话长达200 - 265分钟及备用110 - 115小时。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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